JSDS aims to maintain the highest level of safety and quality by providing care to our patients in a patient centred, caring, safe and supportive environment.

Our Day Surgery adheres to all NSW Statutory, Legislative and Relevant Body Guidelines and Australian Standards. JSDS is fully accredited against the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards. Accreditation is assessed and granted by Global-Mark, a certification body approved by the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality Care.

To achieve a high standard of care we work together as a team under the management of the Medical Advisory Committee and Director of Nursing within the following functions:


Quality Management

JSDS has a comprehensive quality management program in place to monitor, assess and improve the quality of patient care. Peer review activities are conducted by the Medical Advisory Committee to ensure  that the safest possible care is provided to our patients. As part of this process we publish information about clinical performance, health outcomes and patient satisfaction. This information is also benchmarked against the National Standards, where applicable. Through the use of a detailed clinical pathway our patients receive specialised care. We would very much like to hear our patient’s views that we could use to improve our service. If you are interested in being involved in the quality and safety decision making review, you are welcome to apply to our Consumer Partnership Forum. Please contact the Director of Nursing for further information.

Leadership and Risk Management

JSDS uses an integrated approach to identify, assess, analyse, evaluate, treat, measure, monitor and control the complex array of risks involved in health care. We take a proactive approach placing the emphasis on risk prevention to provide the safest possible environments for patients, visitors and staff.

Infection Control

JSDS has a comprehensive Infection Control Program aimed at preventing and limiting the spread of infection through evidence based research to guide clinical practice. Our program consists of education for all staff members including auditing of all staff practices, infection prevention measures, surveillance, monitoring and investigation of health care associated infections.

Workforce Planning

We employ dedicated specialist clinical staff members to ensure our patients receive the highest standard of care possible in a comfortable and safe environment.

Safety Management

JSDS undertakes planned and regular biomedical testing and maintenance of it’s equipment and facility. Audits are conducted on a frequent basis to ensure the environment is safe for all who visit the Day Surgery.