The JSDS Patient Rights and Responsibilities policy is available upon request and information is also provided to patients below.
JSDS collects personal information that is necessary to provide an effective service focused on optimum patient outcomes to plan appropriate treatment and care for the individual.
The information is collected from the individual and/or carer/relative, medical practitioners and other allied health providers.
Security safeguards are in place in the Day Surgery to protect health information.
Such safeguards include care of individual information whilst that individual is receiving treatment and on discharge from the Day Surgery. Comprehensive policies and procedures, in relation to the management of clinical records in accordance with Australian National Standards are in place to guide our staff.
Patients must identify themselves in line with identification with Medicare or their health fund.
All patient records are confidentially stored in line with acceptable standards.
Periodic reviews and audits are undertaken to monitor compliance in standards.
Personal information may be discussed where legally required, e.g. submission of data to the NSW Ministry of Health or Commonwealth Health Department.